Celebrating 75 Years: Dr. Enuf Day in Johnson City

Riverbend Park - Kingsport, Tennessee - By Volume Labs 2023
July 21, 2024

Volume Interactive is proud to have been part of the remarkable celebration of Dr. Enuf's 75th Anniversary, marked as Dr. Enuf Day on June 27th, 2024. The event was a resounding success, filled with community spirit and a celebration of a beloved local brand.

The Morning Press Conference

The day began with humid summer clouds in the morning, creating an electric atmosphere in Johnson City. By the time the press conference kicked off, Franklin Road was already buzzing with excitement. Held at the Johnson City Visitors Center, the event brought together local leaders, media representatives, and Dr. Enuf fans.

Brenda Whitson, Executive Director of Visit Johnson City, set the stage, introducing esteemed guests like Representative Tim Hicks and Washington County Mayor Joe Grandy. Chuck Gordon and his wife Betsy received a proclamation from the State, recognizing the significance of Dr. Enuf's contributions to the community over the past 75 years. Aaron Murphy, Vice Mayor of Johnson City, also spoke, highlighting the deep-rooted impact of the Gordon family and their business on the local community.

An Evening at the Ballpark

The celebrations continued in the evening at the TVA Credit Union Ballpark, where the Johnson City Doughboys faced off against the Elizabethton River Riders. The earlier clouds had cleared, leaving behind a beautiful blue sky as the sun set. Fans dressed in Dr. Enuf gear enjoyed 75-cent drinks, and the atmosphere was electric.

Chuck and Betsy Gordon, along with their grandchildren, Hunter and Molly, had the honor of starting the game. The crowd cheered as they threw free 75th-anniversary T-shirts, and the excitement continued throughout the game. The action on the field was matched by the spectacle of Rocky, the Bat Dog, retrieving bats after each Doughboy run.

Reflecting on a Memorable Day

As the night drew to a close and the stadium lights dimmed, the joy and success of Dr. Enuf Day were undeniable. Volume Interactive was there every step of the way, capturing moments that will be cherished for years to come. From the press conference to the ballgame, the celebration was a testament to the enduring legacy of Dr. Enuf and its significance in the community.

Working with Chuck Gordon and the team at Tri-City Beverage has been an honor. Their dedication and passion are evident in every aspect of their business. As we look back on Dr. Enuf Day, we are reminded of the powerful impact a beloved brand can have on its community. Here's to many more years of success and celebration for Dr. Enuf!